Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I really like roller coasters. They're the bomb diggity. I didn't always like them, though. It goes along with my fear of heights, I just could not stand that climb up the hill and the first drop. I would want to cry. Until 6th grade when I went to Busch Gardens, I had only gone on one roller coaster and it was this wimpy wooden one at Six Flags. I recently went to back to Six Flags with Boyfriend and riding that roller coaster felt like I was riding a I'm honestly not sure what it was that was so traumatic the first time I rode it.
Boyfriend on the other hand was NOT a fan of roller coasters. He shut his eyes on the Superman. Then again, it is called the RIDE OF STEEL!!!! (exclamation points to extenuate its awesomeness) and Boyfriend is kind of a softie. He's all fluffy on the inside, like a cotton ball. He was in no way equipped to deal with the RIDE OF STEEL!!!! like I, a person who is pretty much made of pure steel, was.

Anyways, back to the 6th grade. Actually, the summer before 6th grade.

I went to Six Flags (Obviously I basically live at Six Flags) with two people who were my really good friends at the time. I refused to ride the roller coasters because I was a nub and I was still traumatized by my previous roller coaster experience (I think I was 8 when that happened or something). My friends totally didn't care that I was a wimp. I think that secretly they were wimps too.

Well, we found this one ride called the Shooting Star (or something like that) where you sit in this box and it just carries you around like a really fast ferris wheel. I think we rode it like 20 times, but I don't think they found it as cool as I did, I was geeking out the entire time and screaming and basically just having the time of my life. I rode the ride again was okay, but when I was 10 it was AWESOME.


Later on, we played this game where you basically just squirt a target and someone always wins. So we played 3 times and we all got these cow things with really big eyes and heads. We thought they were super cool but they're actually really creepy. In fact, I still have mine. It's about 10 feet away on a shelf...staring at me with its creepy cow eyes...

Oh god I think it's going to eat me...

But before it became super creepy, it was the GREATEST THING EVER!

We brought them home and we went to my one friend's house to sleepover outside in a tent!

When I was little, sleeping in tents was so much cooler than sleeping inside in sleeping bags or whatever. Tents were adventurous. However, I never camped out in a tent at my house. My woods are too scary. I'd probably be killed in the night. Regardless, sleeping with friends in a tent was the coolest.

Oddly enough though, I've never wanted to go camping for real.

Whatever. We all chilled in a tent with our creepy cows and formed what we called "The Sisterhood of the Cow" which was pretty much a cult. I still have my cow, but I'm pretty sure my one friend's dog destroyed hers and I don't know what the other friend did with hers. 

But that day was the best day of my life. I know this because I recently read my diary from elementary school and under the entry from this day it says "THIS WAS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!!" With a lot of exclamation points which either means I had a lot of sugar or I was super enthusiastic about that day.

Oh, and at that age, I had braces. This doesn't add anything to the story, I just thought it was an important thing to know.
So cool. I know. 

PS. Like 2 months later I went to Busch Gardens and became obsessed with roller coasters. If I had realized how cool they were sooner I probably could have saved my friends a lot of time that was wasted riding that stupid Shooting Star.


  1. I love you and your blog <3

  2. i had the same experience at camp only i was thirteen so i think im more of a wimp
